Rainforest Trust 2016-2023

Rainforest Trust helps protect threatened tropical forests and endangered wildlife by partnering with local and community organizations in and around vulnerable areas.  Through these partnerships, Rainforest Trust ensures sustainable results necessary for the long-term protection of tropical ecosystems and the wildlife they hold.


Our 2021 grant to Rainforest Trust is being used as matching funds to protect high carbon-sequestering peat bog swamp in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  The land is also home to the endangered bonobo monkey and critically endangered pangolin.  By partnering with the indigenous communities in this project Rainforest Trust is making lives better, protecting biodiversity, and protecting the future of our planet.

RainforestTrust_SaveCarbonRichSwampForestForBonobos_DRC_2021 (1)


Our 2020 grant was used to help give urgent protection a 260,000-acre tract of critical and pristine forest in Belize, 10% of the country’s land area. Belize is experiencing a deforestation rate twice as high as other parts of Central America as land is cleared for large scale agriculture and livestock operations. The forest contains extensive mahogany and other hardwoods and pine savannah forest and is also home to one of the largest populations of jaguars in Central America.

Belize-Secure Jaguar Habitat in Maya Forest-SAVES-min


Our 2019 grant was directed towards the highest carbon sequestering projects in Guatemala, the Philippines, and Australia.


Our 2018 grant to Rainforest Trust was put to work helping to protect the last great forests of the island of Borneo in the Sabah region of Malaysia.  By working to protect these areas we combat uncontrolled forest burning, logging, and conversion to palm oil plantations—keeping carbon sequestered in the forests and helping out the Orangutan and other endangered species who inhabit the forest at the same time.


Our 2017 grant to Rainforest Trust was directed toward the Rungan Peat Swamp Forest in Borneo.  A 385,000 acre tract at $2.03 per acre, sequestering 735 metric tons of C02 per acre for a total of 282,975,000 Mt of CO2 sequestered.



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